Friday, 12 December 2008

Disappointment for enemies of our Union Brotherhood

On December 04, 2008 the misnamed 'Lancaster Unity' site published a report on the investigation of the Certification Office into the financial affairs of the Solidarity Trade Union. This was entitled 'An Inspector calls' (how original, see my previous report of the same title!). The investigation was a result of complaints made by 'Lancaster Unity', Searchlight and a disgruntled former official, Clive Potter.

It is worth taking a look at their partisan and inaccurate account. It is important to understand the mind-set of those who are paid to attack those seeking to provide an alternative to the established Unions.

LU refer to the "fake fascist Solidarity 'trade union'." Let's consider this.

Why 'fake? Solidarity represents members at disciplinary and grievance hearings. It represents them before professional bodies. It represents them in tribunal proceedings. As a percentage a higher number of our membership call on our help than most establishment Unions. A number of cases involve political discrimination but most are bread and butter Union issues.
Why 'fascist'? Solidarity recruits from all political persuasions and none. It has not barred anyone on political grounds. We refuse to discriminate in this way. The function of a Trade Union is to represent workers in disputes with the bosses. There is simply no justification for this smear but it is typical of the Stalinist tactics pursued by Lancaster Unity. In fact by misapplying the term they both devalue it and discredit themselves.

LU go on:

"It is a matter of record that the BNP was obliged to hijack its own front-group from its founders to save the skin of Patrick Harrington and to keep it on a course favoured by the BNP, which led to the simultaneous existence of two Solidarity's - the legally constituted version led by Clive Potter and Tim Hawke, and the BNP-dominated hijacked version, led by Adam Walker and Patrick Harrington."

Well no, it's not a matter of record. Our members decide who run Solidarity, not the BNP, LU or anyone else. They have made their views clear at General Meetings and in elections. Those who joined the Union early ('founders' as both Mr Potter and LU like to call them) have no more rights than any other member. I note that during the first year of the Union very little was done. I note also that the Constitution was very badly drafted and has had to have substantial revision.
There have never been "two Solidarity's" outside the imagination of those who write for LU. It is interesting to note that LU are backing Potter and Hawke and declaring them to be the "legally constituted version".

For there to be two Solidarity's there would have to be two organisations meeting the legal requirements imposed on Trade Unions. There is and only ever has been one. Only we have submitted accounts to the CO. Only we have held elections (as required by law). Only we held an Annual Conference. Hawke has lost interest and gone to infiltrate the Steadfast Trust instead. Potter sends ranting letters to the CO still but he is a busted flush. Solidarity is firmly under the control of its elected Executive and it will stay that way. The traitors, agents and their dupes have failed and the members with a united and determined leadership have won.

Speaking of the vexatious and unfounded complaints against Solidarity LU state:-
"It was only in May of this year that the trade union Certification Office took up numerous complaints regarding irregularities in the financial affairs of Solidarity, all of them lodged by Clive Potter, Tim Hawke and Bill McLinden, with additional material supplied by Lancaster Unity and Searchlight - neither of which organisations, I must emphasise, has been in contact with, or has in any way supported Messrs Potter, Hawke and McLinden."

Not supported them or been in contact? Yeah, right.

LU then turn to making ill-informed comments about aspects of the report:-

"The inspector's looming visit to Edinburgh seems to have galvanised Patrick Harrington, since, being unable to provide an original receipt for £39 in printing expenses, he apparently did have a copy of the same "certified as an authentic copy by an Edinburgh solicitor". Since it is highly unlikely that the Edinburgh solicitor was present when Harrington came into possession of the original (and we are assuming there ever was an original) and also present when it was copied by whatever means, we can only presume that Harrington took himself off to this solicitor, copied receipt in hand, and swore to its authenticity."

In fact a certified copy is not a copy of a copy but a copy of the original. The solicitor takes a copy of the original and certifies that they have seen it. Their presumption is therefore quite wrong.
The CO asked for copies of the original receipts to be mailed to them, Solidarity took the original receipts to a solicitor who made a copy and certified them so that union could retain the original receipts, and the CO could have certified copies for their investigation. An original receipt was later mislaid, but because certified copies of all original receipts had been supplied to the CO, there was a second copy.

LU have clearly read the sections of the report relating to PayPal transactions. I was able to show that money from PayPal had been transferred to Union bank accounts or used to pay legitimate Union expenses (such as web hosting). Mr Walker, acting for the CO, notes that Mr Potter accused me of personal fraud. He found no evidence to substantiate this serious accusation. I was cleared by an independent investigation. You might expect Mr Potter to apologise and beg forgiveness but he continues his attacks on the Brotherhood. A very unwise course he may yet find.

"Section 21 deals with Potter's allegation that Harrington made two unauthorised withdrawals from Solidarity's HSBC account, and one unauthorised transfer from its HSBC Business Money Manager Account into its HSBC community account in September 2007."

I was able to show that these withdrawals were authorised by the Solidarity Executive chosen at the Special Meeting of the membership. The money withdrawn was transferred to a new Union bank account and used to pay the accountant. This was all proved to the satisfaction of the CO. All of my actions were undertaken to ensure that the Union was able to continue to provide services to its members and carry out normal activities despite the attempts of traitors, agents and their dupes to disrupt that work.

LU then go through the section of the report concerning claims that cheque payments were not authorised. It is not common practice in most organisations for every day-to-day expense to be approved. In the Union at the time only expenditure over £200 required such authorisation. Clearly the small amounts of money expended fell well below that level. They were not cheques written to me personally but to members of the Union for legitimate expenses.

"The second payment was in respect of expenses claimed by a Solidarity member who had travelled to London from Swansea for the Union's AGM. He had not been able to find the Solidarity steward redirecting members to the AGM location and had been very angry about his wasted journey. Mr Harrington stated that he and Mr Potter had agreed to pay the rail and tube fares and subsistence as a gesture of good will. Mr Potter does not dispute that he agreed that this payment be made. He alleges however, that it was paid in cash out of a cash donation made to Solidarity at the AGM. Mr Harrington denies this."

Potter did make such an allegation. There are two obvious points. How would I have paid the member from Swansea on the day of the AGM as he never met up with us (that was why we were paying him!). Also I was in the company of a members from around 7am in the morning to around 12 midnight. It was a very busy day. I could get the member concerned to swear an affidavit as to the payment if need be and I can subpoena the bank for the cheque. Once again those seeking to make false allegations against me never had any prospect of success. The CO were satisfied that there was no wrong-doing.

LU then raise regular payments made for expenses.

"Most curiously of all, Harrington was paid £75 per month in expenses, but not - as you would suppose - into an account in his own name. For his own mysterious reasons Harrington had the expenses paid into an account in the name of P.A. Sharp, his briefly famous ex-wife. This does not seem to us to accord with the behaviour of real general secretaries of real trade unions. Why, and from whom, did Harrington wish to obscure the fact that he was in receipt of £75 in expenses each month? Is this still his regular practice?"

There were three payments of £75 paid into my account for transfer into petty cash for expenses. All is recorded and backed by receipts in Union accounts. Note I say that the money was put into my account for transfer. P A Sharp stands for Patrick Antony. Sharp was my married name. I pay my union subs from the same account. The accusation that I wished to "obscure the fact that he was in receipt of £75 of expenses" is false. I received no income as such but simply facilitated a transfer of funds. It is not 'curious' at all that we use petty cash. Most organisations do.

LU spend some time attacking the Union PR firm Accentuate. They speculate as to whether the CO thinks that Accentuate provide good value for money in their work for the Union. Accentuate provide regular reports to the Executive. Additionally, Union members were provided with a report and the opportunity to ask questions of Graham Williamson of Accentuate at our last Annual Conference.

Our Union prefers to engage those sympathetic to the aims of the Union and whose background we know well. This is not 'corruption' in any standard definition of the term. It is pragmatic and responsible.

The Executive and membership of Solidarity are currently very happy with the work provided. As long as that remains the case the firm will continue to be engaged by us.

LU turn: to the appointment of auditors in 2006:-

"In the matter of Solidarity's 2006 accounts, Clive Potter made the incontrovertible allegation that Harrington (strangely, for a supposed trade union general secretary) breached the union's Rule 15 in the appointment of "close friends and political allies", Messrs Lindley and Smith, as auditors."

Mr Potter complained that the Auditors had not been appointed by the Executive. At the same time he maintained that at no time did the Executive vote or express a view on the subject. Odd, given that Mr Potter and Mr Hawke would both have been aware of the need to arrange Auditors. This oddity is explained by the fact that their account is entirely mendacious. I was asked to arrange Auditors and I did. It only became an issue when Mr Potter decided to launch a Palace Coup.

Those appointed did a professional job and made no charge to the Union. I believe that those appointed were acceptable to our members. I would like to thank both Mr Lindley and Mr Smith for that work and express contempt for those who have sought to call their integrity into question here.

The allegation made by Potter (like all the others) wasn't against me but against the Union. Mr Potter never raised rule 15 of the Constitution in any email or verbally. Nor did Mr Hawke. Following collective responsiblility Mr Potter and Mr Hawke were as responsible for the oversight as I was. That Potter sought to raise complaints about it is therefore odd. The Union complied with the law, however.

The CO states "those bringing the allegations that I have investigated were more concerned with progressing [the internal] power struggle than the actual issues relating to process and compliance that I have been called upon to investigate by my terms of reference".
It is interesting to note that all of those at that time within the Union making the complaints were personal friends and supporters of Clive Potter who stood to gain if they were able to unseat myself and the legitimate Executive.

But Lancaster Unity ask:-

"Quite how that applies to information supplied independently by Lancaster Unity and Searchlight is not clear in the slightest."

I question whether the complainants have acted independently. Certainly their aims and objectives overlap in this area. LU has explicitly made statements supportive of the Traitor, dupe or agent Clive Potter many times. They are scarcely a disinterested or impartial Party.They brought similar complaints in the same period. Nor is it clear why they would have any special knowledge as to the internal workings of our Union. As such what 'evidence' could they provide and where would they have obtained it? As outsiders where could they have obtained 'evidence' from?

LU are disappointed that the Certification Office did not rule on who should run the Solidarity Union but that is certainly not part of that role. I can quite see why LU would prefer us to be run by Potter and Co. an ineffective, lacklustre and suspect leadership but Solidarity is a membership organisation. It is for the members to decide who runs it and they have made their views clear. By making complaints against Solidarity even the supporters of Potter have implicitly accepted who runs it.

LU are disappointed that they have spent so much time, alongside the embittered and twisted Potter, attacking the Union to no avail. The Certification Office investigated all allegations thoroughly and have published a comprehensive report. The key allegations made against the Union were dismissed.

Gerard Walker for the Certification Office states:-

"My overall conclusions, having investigated the individual allegations, is that I have found no evidence of personal dishonesty or systematic maladministration of members' money".

The Certification Office acted professionally and fairly during the investigation. The Union co-operated throughout and has learned valuable lessons from the process. Those interested should read the whole report rather than subjective and partisan accounts from tainted and unreliable sources.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Cut & Paste merchants

Lancaster 'Unity' couldn't be bothered writing their own article about Adam Walker so they just cut and pasted from the Guardian. Please compare and contrast. They did manage to write an original caption for a picture of Adam though.

Adam is a teacher and a member of the controversial British National Party. He has been persecuted by the Labour establishment in the rotten Borough of County Durham. The latest twist in this story is that he has been reported to the General Teaching Council and charged with expressing views 'suggestive of racial and religious intolerance'. The irony of charging someone for expressing 'intolerant' views seems lost on the GTC! That is really no shock given the make-up of that body.

I am representing Adam at the GTC and I have objected to the presence on the panel of Judy Moorhouse. I think she is biased. Judging by the number who have signed the online petition I am not alone in this view.

Lancaster 'Unity' don't really say whether they support the political vetting of teachers or other fascist measures. The comments posted under the article make little or no sense and seem to revolve around various people accusing others of really being me or denying it! What a peculiar bunch they are! One begins to wonder why they bother at all as they are so half-hearted and lacking focus.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Latest Prophecy from 'The Seer of Norfolk'

Atreus, or Alan the Seer of Norfolk, has issued a new phrophecy. He wrote:-

"Another prize wuss is serial failure Patrick ("call me Pat") Harrington, the GenSec of the One Big Huge Vast Onion and fascist front group, the useless Solidarity "trade union".
Three members of the Onion are finding out exactly how useless it is after getting themselves suspended from their jobs at the Sita Suez depot in Willenhall, Staffs.
Now we don't know the ins and outs of this case, but belonging to the very useful Unite trade union as we do we've been able to find out that Unite members at Sita Suez weren't too happy that a fascist fake trade union and BNP front came in to break worker solidarity at the depot."

So doom and gloom for those members of Solidarity suspended by Sita Suez for daring to belong to an autonomous Trade Union. Fancy them breaking worker solidarity at the depot by not belonging to Unite! No wonder Unite (showing real Socialist ideals) went sneaking to the Bosses and asked them to take action! Things certainly looked bleak for our heroes. They had only the 'useless' Solidarity to defend them after all.

By some bit of luck or another, however, the Solidarity members have been reinstated without blemish on their record. Of course the legal threats, public petition, articles, phone calls, faxes and E-mails may have influenced the Sita management. The seer of Norfolk needs to polish his crystal ball clearly.

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Confused, baffled, haven't got a clue? I can help!

They are a confused and disorientated, some might even say intoxicated, bunch over at 'Lancaster Unity'. their world is quite bewildering judging by a recent post.

Their minds are full of turmoil and questions:-

"Why does BNP webmaster Simon Bennett run the BNP, NLP and Third Way's websites?
Why are the Accentuate and Solidarity websites served up by BNP insider Lambertus Nieuwhof?
Why did Nick Griffin ask Graham Williamson - not a BNP member - to chair the BNP's last conference?
Why did Harrington's NLP stand against the BNP in South Hornchurch?"

I will try to help these troubled souls (though not by postcard).

Third Way runs its own websites we pay designers and for web-hosting as we need it. Third Way doesn't discriminate in the award of contracts. In fact we have an equal opportunities policy!

Lambertus Nieuwhoff is Webmaster for Solidarity and Accentuate. He does a very good job and both Accentuate and Solidarity pay him for it. He is not even a member of the BNP! Many lies have been told about 'Bep'.

Lancaster Unity claim:- "The Solidarity website is served up by Lambertus Nieuwhof's company Noisy Dinosaur, as is Accentuate. Lambertus Nieuwhof, for those who don't recognise the name, was one of a trio of men who planted a home-made bomb at the Calvary Church School (in South Africa) in protest against the school's decision to become racially mixed. When the bomb failed to go off, one of them lost his nerve, gave himself up to the police and turned in his two associates, one of which was Nieuwhof. At the end of the resulting court case he received what Searchlight rightly stated was a derisory twelve-month suspended prison sentence".

Really? Are you sure about all this my friends? I suggest you check your facts. My information is rather different. Bep is a great guy with a young family. He has started a new life in our country and is not involved in conflicts in Africa. The likes of LU and Searchlight are stalking him simply because he is a personal friend of Arthur Kemp. It is a disgrace. We have made it clear that he has spoken with us about SA and his past and we are happy with his account. End of story.

Nick Griffin didn't ask Graham Williamson to chair the BNP's last conference. Why would he? Graham is not a member of the BNP but of the National Liberal Party which stands against them in elections. The source for this is, it turns out later in the article, the North West Nationalists blog. This band of disillusioned Nazis who hate Nick Griffin is scarcely reliable! Assuming that anything they say has any foundation in fact is rather foolish. LU also state that:- "We heard recently that he was asked by Griffin to watch over Richard Barnbrook at the London Assembly, to make sure he stays out of trouble." I think you are being led up the garden path Ketlan and Denise!

The National Liberal Party did not stand in South Hornchurch. It backed the Independent candidate Michael Burton who went on to win the seat. Michael is black and the NLP supported him with activists and a statement on his election leaflet because he was the best man for the job. The NLP has a long-standing relationship with Independents in the area. NLP recruits from all ethnic and faith communities. NLP has no electoral pacts or deals with the BNP. Simple enough one would have thought so why the confusion?

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Solidarity, PayPal and Lancaster 'Unity'

"Never let the facts get in the way of a good story". That phrase could have been coined for the amateur journalists at 'Lancaster Unity'. Take a look at their article on the Solidarity PayPal account. It illustrates this general point.

The Solidarity PayPal account had temporary restrictions placed on it as a result of the automatic triggering of procedures designed to prevent money-laundering. These (as any ebay seller will know) are put into place when money coming in goes above a set limit.

Yet posters on 'Lancaster Unity' sought to give a different impression:-

"Paypal have already suspended the Solidarity account because of complaints."

and from another poster:-

"Allegations of money-laundering?

Sounds like Nick Grifin is somehow involved here.

The Paypal account is not the only likely fraudulent issue with Squalidarity."

How foolish they now seem. After the submission of the required documentation the restrictions were lifted and the account is now operating as normal. Go and make an online donation to Solidarity! Solidarity collects donations and membership subscriptions using PayPal but this represents only a small fraction. Once collected the money is used to pay bills or paid over to the Union account. All PayPal transactions are electronically stored in the 'History' section and can therefore be easily audited.

The great democrats at 'Lancaster Unity' also call for people to write to a bank asking them not to provide services to the Solidarity Union. Here they begin to cross into areas covered by anti-stalking and anti-terror legislation. Solidarity will request copies of all correspondance sent to any financial institution regarding the Union. Solidarity is carefully documenting their transgressions. These kind of fascist tactics go beyond acceptable debate and those involved should know they may face civil and criminal sanction.

Collusion, It's no illusion 2

Is there a plot to kill the independent Nationalist Trades Union Solidarity? That is now a question being seriously asked by many political veterans. For the first year of the existence of Solidarity little was done. Former President Clive Potter found reasons not to do things. He failed even to produce a membership card for those enthusiasts who joined despite his almost complete lack of promotional work.

When I took the position of General Secretary, Potter did everything he could to delay the progress of the Union using every bureaucratic objection he could. He sought to block every suggestion I made. As a non-BNP member (and indeed a member of a rival Party) I found myself in the curious position of having to argue with Potter (a BNP member) that we should attend BNP events for recruitment purposes. I was further alarmed when he started referring to Nick Griffin (the BNP Chairman) as 'our Beloved Leader' in a sarcastic tone. I wondered exactly what his agenda was! When I spoke to members of the Christian Council (which Potter was also an official of) I was told that they were also concerned by his lack of activity and drive. Nothing was being done. He appeared to be an obstacle to any progress.

When I looked into his personal background I became even more concerned. He was some kind of gnostic Christian, interested in ufos and living with a girlfriend who was a wacko jacko 'stalker' promoting celibacy! Now, as anyone will tell you I'm a pretty liberal kind of guy, but I wondered why Potter never spoke about any of this. I also wondered why he had promoted in the past a spoof march through one of the most Asian areas of Leicester. Alarm bells were starting to ring.

When he failed he tried to expel me and prevent the election of an expanded Executive team. Reason enough for many to suspect that something untoward was going on! Yet this is by no means the end of the story...

When the British National Party asserted that that agents were being used against the Union the State allied Searchlight magazine specifically responded:-

"Searchlight makes no comment about this allegation. However when Solidarity was set up, we examined its frules and wrote in an internal briefing note in January 2006: 'It would seem difficult for Solidarity to exercise firm control over who joins, and once people are members they can exercise thier democratic rights to elect the Executive Committe, etc. Any attempt to prevent members exercising their rights could result in a complaint to the Certification Officer [the regulatory authority for trade unions]'"

- 'Not so solid now' , Searchlight July 2007, p16.

In the light of this statement it is interesting to note that three people, Potter, McLinden and Mullen have made two 'Breach of Rule' complaints each against the Union in the same time period and in collusion to the Certification Office (CO). Additionally Potter and McLinden have brought about a financial investigation into the Union by the CO.

To give an example of the spurious nature of the complaints Mullen has brought one saying that the Union required candidates in Union Exec elections to be members of the BNP or Third Way. Of course the Union did no such thing. Statements in the Union bulletin and on the website made it clear any member could stand. Indeed one of the candidates was not a member of any Party. There is little doubt that this complaint will eventually fail - it has no basis whatsoever. Yet that is not the point - it is an attempt to muddy the waters in the meantime and waste Union time.

Solidarity is answering all such vexatious and unfounded complaints but nonetheless it is time-consuming and a diversion from the proper functions of the Union. Not only that but it appears to many that the Certification Office is being unwittingly misused as a tool to bureaucratically harass the Union.

On a side note one name keeps being whispered into my ear - Megan Dobney. Suggestions as to why this might be the case would be welcome!

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Magna Carta Moneybomb and LUAF

Lancaster 'Unity' in one of their latest postings take issue with the National Liberal Party appealing for donations from the public. The NLP have launched an appeal to coincide with the anniversary of Magna Carta being signed (this Sunday, June 15th). Their aim is to get individuals to pledge to donate before the day and to donate on Sunday. They have stated that they want to make civil liberties a General Election issue.

To this end they have a dedicated website and they have produced a short video message.

I have no idea how much money will be raised by this appeal. The target set appears over ambitious. Having said that, however, two points need to be made.

1. Unlike the establishment parties the NLP don't benefit from public subsidy. I can't see what objection there is in seeking donations from Joe Public! The money raised will be used to support NLP candidates who will raise issues in their election addresses and during the campaign. No one will benefit personally and all money will be properly accounted for according to law.

2. There is some time between now and our General Election and the NLP are likely to experiment with all kinds of fund-raising methods till that date. The moneybomb is uncharted territory in the UK but it shows that the NLP are raising their game. They will build their profile over time and increase support.

It is certain that civil liberties in the UK are gradually being eroded. The vote last night to extend the period of detention without trial is just the latest example. It shouldn't shock anyone that I support NLP attempts to raise debate on this. I have a long record supporting the human and civil rights of unpopular minorities whether BNP or asylum seekers!

Monday, 2 June 2008

An Inspector Calls?

'Lancaster Unity' have published an interesting article:- Lancaster Unity: TU Certification Office investigating Solidarity

The infantile leftists at the LU blog have a lot to say about the Solidarity Union (little of it accurate). Let's take a look at their latest assertions and arguments.

They begin by reproducing the statement from the Certification Office announcing an enquiry into Solidarity. Then they state:-

"It is a very strange thing indeed that the supposed General Secretary of a supposed trade union only thinks it "possible" that the Certification Office is a "neutral party", as if he had no idea what the Certification Office existed for."

Really? Do they find it strange that some members of our Union doubt the neutrality of a State agency? A State agency which has been bombarded with letters from our Union rivals, traitors and political opponents seeking to pressurise them into closing our Union down. How odd of them! For the record, I still entertain the hope that the CO is neutral - time will tell whether I or the cynics are right. I fully expect that once presented with the evidence the CO will discount the many malicious and vexatious allegations which have been made against our independent Union.

'Lancaster Unity' then seek to question what services our Union provides. It is a matter of record that we have provided members with representation at various stages of grievance procedures, benefits appeals, disciplinary hearings, ACAS concilliation, and have put in cases on their behalf to Employment Tribunals. Our last case resulted in a negotiated settlement (including a confidentiality clause) to the benefit of a member who quit his job. To argue that we have only one case is inaccurate and childish. So far we have represented around twenty of our members in different respects. We have attended meetings at Astra Zenica, GNER, Cummings, Middlesbrough FC, Alliance and Leicester, County Durham and 'Harvey Nicks' to name a few. 'Lancaster Unity' may not like our Union for political reasons but there is little point in them making assertions which can be disproved with ease.

Next they state:-

"As we have seen in past articles, it is very far from being the "One Big Union" of Harrington's vaulting aspirations, having only 211 members (allegedly), and having stirred little interest among the BNP membership at which it aims itself. Its annual conference was a tawdry hole and corner affair hedged about with tight security, and attended by only 27 members - almost a third of those sitting on the Executive platform."

Solidarity continues to recruit. We announced the figure of 211 members some time ago. Each week more join. Members of the BNP join our Union because we are prepared to uphold their rights as well as others. We stand against discrimination on political grounds in the same way that we oppose discrimination on racial, sexual, religious or other grounds. It is true that only a tiny proportion of BNP members are also members of our Union. Those that are have, in many cases, been active Trade Unionists for many years.

All Solidarity meetings have "tight security". At our Annual Conference, held in Birmingham, threats were made by supporters of 'Lancaster Unity' to Hotel staff. This was very distressing for workers simply doing a job (many of them from ethnic minorities). 27 in attendance represents over 13 per cent of our membership. If that percentage figure remains the same as we grow I will be quite content. We have seven members of our Executive and they were all present. Next year the Executive will consider subsidising travel for those attending.

Then 'Lancaster Unity' turn to Mark Walker:-

"And, of course, it has taken on only one case since its inception, that of sacked teacher Mark Walker, a BNP man advised by the useless "fighting union" to find himself a lawyer specialising in employment law."

As I have already pointed out we have taken on over twenty cases - not one. Mark Walker has not been sacked (attention to detail please comrades!). He has been suspended on full-pay for over fourteen months now. It was only recently that the management investigation was completed. It is only now that we expect to move to a formal disciplinary. I represented Mark at the last meeting in May personally. I will continue to represent him at any future meetings. Our Union (alongside Civil Liberty) is paying for an Employment Lawyer for specific aspects of this complex case. It is not unusual for Trade Unions to utilise the services of lawyers! Many of our members know Mark and can ask him themselves whether he thinks the £1.25 a week we charge represents good value for money!

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Collusion - it's no illusion

Norfolk Unity don't like the Solidarity Trade Union. One article illustrates this.

They start with an attack on the May Day campaign run by our Union. Over the May Day weekend thousands of Solidarity leaflets were distributed up-and-down the country, social events were held and sympathetic publications and websites carried special promotional ads (including Alternative Green). According to the infantile leftists at 'Norfolk Unity', however, this was a "flop". The Union naturally takes a different view. We recruited from the promotion and laid claim to May Day (something we will build on each year). We need to improve the speed of reports and photos being sent in and published but this is largely just about getting people into the habit. I campaigned with members from the North East as I was in that area representing a member at a hearing on the Tuesday after the Bank Holiday weekend (a matter of record).

'Norfolk Unity' then report (if that is the word!) on matters relating to the Certification Office:-
"Visitors will remember that the "union" was hi-jacked from its founders by the BNP last summer when allegations of financial irregularities concerning Patrick Harrington surfaced, so we have Official Solidarity (the original organisation founded by Clive Potter and Tim Hawke) and Provisional Solidarity (Harrington's One Big Vast Huge Onion group).

The Certification Office is investigating allegations of financial irregularities, and breaches of both the law and Solidarity's constitution.

The Certification Office will issue a ruling on whether the Harrington/BNP takeover was legitimate. If it isn't, a legal morass will swamp both sides, as a ruling in favour of Official Solidarity will almost certainly mean that the One Big Vast Huge Onion will have to hand over its assets and membership lists - and we can't see the BNP allowing that to happen without pulling a few strokes.

Something we do know for certain is that the Executive of Official Solidarity recently held a meeting to discuss the way forward in the event of the Certification Office ruling in their favour. The meeting concluded that the name of Solidarity had been so badly damaged by its close association with the British National Party and had attracted so little interest (even from BNP members) that there was no point in continuing with the operation, and they would disband it.

As the BNP and the Great Fantasist would find it very difficult to start up another fake trade union (because this time the real trade unions will be ready for them), Harrington would find himself with even more time on his hands than normal in which to "order" the start-up of more blogs devoted to "deconstructing" (his most favouritest word in all the world) the Unity websites that have done so much to remind the antifascist brethren that you don't need to visit a circus to see a clown in action."

What is interesting here is that NU have let the cat out of the bag! Remember, neither the CO or the Union had publicly commented on any of these matters at the time of the posting. The bogus website run by the traitor Potter has not been updated since early February. How then did NU know that the Certification Office was investigating complaints? How did they know that Potter and his misfits had held a meeting? How did they know the plans made at that meeting? Collusion - it's no illusion!

Let's take a look at how accurate their statements are and predictions are likely to be:-

"The Certification Office is investigating allegations of financial irregularities, and breaches of both the law and Solidarity's constitution".

This is True. Currently there are six 'Breach of Rule' complaints which have been made against our Union. Two are from Potter. Two are from McLinden. Two are from Mullen. All three men were involved in Unconstitutional attempts to remove me from office which was decisively rejected by our membership. Potter and McLInden are no longer members of our Union.

The Union has been asked to respond to these vexatious complaints. The Executive member appointed to this task, David Kerr, has so far answered two and he is due to answer the other four over the next few weeks. He believes that the Union has a strong moral and legal case on all of the complaints. We believe that the complaints have been made maliciously as part of a campaign of bureaucratic harassment.

Our Union published details of the financial investigation into Solidarity before anyone else. We don't fear this investigation. Our books are open to inspection and in good order. A number of allegations which were originally made are not being pursued as part of the investigation as we have already answered them. Other allegations require the CO to investigate formally in order that he has the power to look at bank accounts and PayPal records directly. This will enable him to confirm that the records we have already supplied (in the case of PayPal for example) are indeed accurate.

Of course by making these various complaints against the Union the traitors involved have implicitly accepted the authority of the leadership of Solidarity. We will have to wait to see how things turn out for them personally.

"The Certification Office will issue a ruling on whether the Harrington/BNP takeover was legitimate."

No, he will not. It is not within his remit as he has made clear on a number of occassions. As long ago as 20 August, 2007 the Assistant Certification Officer Gerard Walker wrote:-

"Such claims and and counter claims are not capable of being determined in an administrative manner by this office."

He went on:-

"As I have said in previous correspondence trade unions are voluntary organisations that are, for the most part, left to regulate their own affiars via their Rule Books."

In a later article, following the publication of the terms of reference of the CO, Norfolk Unity reverse their previous position:-

"The final paragraph is a clear enough statement that the Certification Officer intends to make no judgement or ruling on the legality or otherwise of the Harrington takeover, and so, whatever the outcome of this investigation into the financial affairs of Solidarity, the fake union will remain in the hands of Harrington and the BNP - unless the official Executive have the wherewithal to take the matter to law."

Of course what they mean is that it will remain in the hands of the membership. The membership which voted at a Special Meeting, an Annual Conference and in independently scrutinised elections (with a high percentage turn-out) to decide all matters.

"Something we do know for certain is that the Executive of Official Solidarity recently held a meeting to discuss the way forward in the event of the Certification Office ruling in their favour. The meeting concluded that the name of Solidarity had been so badly damaged by its close association with the British National Party and had attracted so little interest (even from BNP members) that there was no point in continuing with the operation, and they would disband it."

The "Official" Solidarity (the one with no members and which doesn't provide services!) gets strong backing from 'Norfolk Unity'. Unfortunately for Potter and the other traitors that doesn't really impress our membership! Having done virtually nothing during his brief term of office within our Brotherhood it isn't surprising that even if he were to somehow magically regain his position he would use it (according to his allies at NU) to disband our Union. His reason? The Union has accepted members and support from the BNP! A Party, I might add, that Potter was a member of (till they kicked him out for disloyalty!). Is it any wonder that many think that Potter and his cronies are either dupes or agents?

Now Norfolk Unity like to call me 'The Great Fantasist' but I think that their own predictions of the demise of our Union and the triumph of the 'Potteristas' reveal that they are out of touch with reality. They have predicted our demise before but here we are. The simple fact is that there is a need for a Union prepared to raise issues that the TUC affiliates will not. There is a need for a Union to represent workers who the TUC affiliates will not. That need is being met by Solidarity.

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

LUAF and David Kerr

Lancaster Unity scrapes the barrel by publishing comments designed to have a go at Ulster Nation editor and Solidarity EC member David Kerr' The anonymous poster does their best to smear David Kerr with the 'racist' tag. Here's the case for the prosecution followed by that of the defence...

Under David Kerr's leadership the Ulster Third Way is affiliated to the US-based Council of Conservative Citizens.

This is not true. U3W is not affiliated to the CofCC in any way. In response to an invitation Kerr did indeed address a meeting of the CofCC in 1997 in his capacity as Chairman of the now defunct Ulster Independence Movement. His acceptance of a speaking engagement should not be taken as an endorsement of everything in the CofCC's political platform. As for the verdict of the bunch of gougers styling themselves the Southern Poverty Law Center and the hysterical Ant-Defamation League: their allegations are not to be taken seriously. Against all evidence, the SPLC defames the 'neo-Confederate' League of the South' as a racist hate group. The League of the South and groups such as the Southern Party of Georgia are nothing of the kind and David Kerr is proud to stand alongside them in defence of common values.

Under David Kerr the Nation website carries links to the League of the South and the 'nazi BNP's fake cover groups such as Solidarity and Civil Liberty.'

David Kerr does not believe that the BNP is now a 'nazi' party and he believes strongly in the cause of Civil Liberty and free trade unions. Lancaster Unity's commentator doesn't seem to have noticed that the links page clearly carries a disclaimer to the effect that 'Apart from the Third Way sites, the presence of a link on this page should not be taken to imply any organisational link with the organisations or individuals behind those sites. A link is not a full endorsement of all or any of the political, historical or ideological positions taken by the publishers of such sites.' Some sites are useful for readers looking for good background on history and politics; Slugger O'Toole, N I Elections and Newshound. Some are good new sources for anti-war activists; and Americans Against World Empire. Some are good at exposing the risks of an all-powerful surveillance State; Privacy International and Civil Liberty. Lancaster Unity's narrow focus distorts the truth.

As for Solidarity being a 'front' for the BNP no matter how many times they repeat it this still will not be true!

Further, the Ulster Third Way website praises the racist and fascist book The Eleventh Hour by John Tyndall, the convicted neo-nazi terrorist and founder of the BNP 'In thoroughly recommending this book to all those looking for alternative political thinking'.

This really is a piece of dishonest distortion. Firstly this is a guest review written by the veteran British nationalist John Bean and is solely Mr Bean's opinion of the book. The Ulster Nation website has always encouraged debate and the exchange of ideas. A disclaimer on every page makes it clear that the views expressed in signed articles and reviews are solely those of the author. Mr Bean’s view of Tyndall's book is quite different from that of David Kerr. Mr Bean had his own criticisms too. The partial sentence quoted above concludes, 'I would make just two minor criticisms.' They are 'a certain amount of repetition' and 'he does use three words where he could get away with two.' Lancaster Unity's selective quotation by wresting the first part of this sentence from its context and the implied attribution of these opinions to David Kerr are without justification.

David Kerr has reviewed quite a few political books from the left field of the political spectrum. He thoroughly recommended Paul Foot's Who Framed Colin Wallace? to all Third Way supporters and also praised Mark Steel's Reasons to be Cheerful as an honest book. By Lancaster Unity's reckoning this 'links' Kerr with the Socialist Workers Party.

Digging deep in the archives of the Ulster Nation site, the Lancaster UAF correspondent has dug up an article written in January 1995 by David Kerr. At the time the ANC government of Nelson Mandela had been in power for a few months and there was a lot of apprehension about. Most people will admit to having been surprised by how well the ANC government did under Mandela after assuming power in 1994. This was by no means obvious at the time despite Lancaster Unity's 20-20 hindsight. Mandela's organisation did use terrorist methods against its enemies and - at times - innocent civilians. The ANC denied the right of the nations of Southern Africa to their own states. Similar strictures in the former and led to major conflict. It was not unreasonable to fear that something similar could have happened in 1995. Mugabe's was the malign template. Happily things never got quite that bad – so far – but it is far from being the paradise of rose-tinted leftist dreams.

Dagging about in the mid-nineties, the UAF correspondent digs up a 1996 article Living Alternatives – neither racism nor 'multiculturalism' to have another crack at Kerr. Where the critic falls down is that this discussion piece was not written by Kerr at all. It was written by another Third Way activist using the pen name 'John Jenkins'.

This article was written twelve years ago when racial attacks were indeed virtually unheard of but when organisations like NICEM were trying to justify their funding by exaggerating the severity and extent of such attacks. In the last four or five years there has been a genuine increase in such attacks: although even now the rate of such attacks is low in comparison to sectarian attacks across the religious divide. The idea was to argue for a 'living alternative' to outright racism and trendy multiculturalism. For 1996 this was quite groundbreaking as crude biological racism had still quite a strong following in nationalist circles at the time. Ultimately the Lancaster Unity correspondent is trying to force Ulster Third Way into a mould for which it is unsuitable.

Same old fascism. Same old racism – doesn't matter whether it's the BNP or Patrick Harrington and his Third Way, it's all the same.

Well, no. Lancaster Unity's definition of both fascism and racism is very elastic. Third Way is not the same as the BNP. The 2008 BNP is not the same as the 1982 BNP. Just as they elide fascism and nazism they like to portray all expressions of nationalist thinking as all the same. it's totally untrue, of course and as shown above, they will twist any article through selective quotation, perfect hindsight, projection of ideas and attitudes to explain what Third Way 'really' means. Opposition to mass migration does not mean opposition to non-whites. In fact the Third Way is open to members from all ethnic and faith backgrounds. It has clearly stated that it aims for a harmonious, multi-cultural society.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Fulminating Against the National Liberals

The infantile leftists of Lancaster UAF and Norfolk Unity like to keep themselves busy. Currently they are fulminating against the National Liberal Party (NLP) of which I am a member. They are worried by the NLP decision to target Lib Dem marginals at the next General Election.

They say:-

“Ignoring the feeble attempt at self-justification as to why a fascist party
lays claim to the title “Liberal”, the first paragraph of Completely Blank’s
posting leaves no doubt whatsoever that the National Liberal Party intends to go
into the next general election purposed on conning votes away from the Liberal
Democrats by confusing itself with the mainstream party, and - they hope -
losing the sitting Liberal Democrats their seats.

There can be, and is, no other reason for the NLP to target itself so specifically - only against Liberal Democrats, and only in marginals where a small number of votes will decide the sitting MPs’ fates.

No other no-hope party, to the best of our knowledge, has
ever gone into a general election fixed purely on unseating MPs by use of deceit
and obsfucation.

In our opinion this amounts to a clear intention to mislead
voters and to abuse the democratic process on the part of a nasty little
organisation made up of no-hopers and fantasists closely connected with the BNP
and complicit in the running of the racist party’s bogus front groups.

It is also reason enough for the Electoral Commission to strip Third Way of the right
to campaign under the spurious “National Liberal Party” title.

We have already alerted the Liberal Democrats to the underhand intentions of the squalid NLP, but visitors (of all political persuasions) to this website can help by
complaining to the Electoral Commission, and by bringing this post to the
attention of Liberal Democrat MPs and LibDem organisations.”

Of course the National Liberal Party is by no means ‘Fascist’. The NLP opposes foreign military adventures, supports direct democracy and co-operative ownership, has an open membership for all ethnic, cultural and faith backgrounds and advocates civil rights against an increasingly interventionist State. This is not fascism but the exact opposite!

As for BNP ‘front groups’ we presume they refer to the Trade Union Solidarity which is independent and open to people of all political persuasions.

Still, let’s leave aside their childish name-calling and look at the substance of their argument.
The NLP has stated that it will target Lib Dem marginals for good reasons. The NLP wants, in fact, to highlight the difference between our Liberalism and theirs. What better way than to do this in an exciting marginal contest where maximum media attention might be expected? Far from seeking to ‘mislead’ voters by pretending to be the LIb Dems (as LUAF implies) the whole point is to show that a different form of Liberalism exists. This is what will be stressed in campaign literature. No one Party owns the term ‘Liberal’ just as no one Party owns the terms ‘Socialist’, ‘Workers’, ‘Democratic’ or ‘English’.

Parties registered using the term ‘Socialist’ include:-

Socialist Alliance
Socialist Equality Party
Socialist Labour Party
Socialist Party of Great Britain [The]
Socialist Party (Northern Ireland)
Socialist Studies Party (1904)Socialist Unity

Parties registered using the term ‘Workers’ include:-

Workers’ Liberty
Workers Revolutionary Party
Workers’ Party [The]

Parties registered using the term ‘Democratic’ include:
Democratic Party [The]
Democratic Socialist Alliance - People Before Profit
Democratic Unionist Party

Parties registered using the term ‘England’ or ‘English’ include:-

England First Party
English Democrats Party
English National Party
English Progressive and Liberty Party [The]

Additionally as LUAF themselves admit in addition to the NLP two other registered parties use the term ‘Liberal’. These are the Liberal Democrats and the Liberal Party.

Do LUAF really think that the electorate is unable to distinguish between Parties using a term within their name which is the same as another? There is a lot of media coverage and campaigning during elections. The general public are not as stupid as LUAF implies. Any vote for the NLP will be a positive vote for a different form of Liberalism. If the Lib Dems lose seats as a result that is democracy in action. The NLP has already beaten them in local elections.
LUAF say that the National Liberal party should be “stripped” of its name by the State. No such thing will happen. They have no logical case, they have no legal case, in fact they are fantasists.

Logic is not their strong point

There was an interesting post on the thread at LUAF which made assumptions about the accounts submitted to the Electoral Commission by the National Liberal Party. It was from ‘Chris B.’ . It read:-

“Nice work.
…And of the Third Way - what does one say about a “party” of 20
members that bores the Electoral Commission to tears with its windy account of
its local election performances (successes = 0), admits to having only £88.17 in
the kitty (2006), but which allegedly raised £1400 from membership subs (yet £15
x 20 = £300! - go figure)…
That’s interesting. They obviously didn’t get
£1400 from membership subs, so somebody is telling lies to the Electoral
Bung that one in your complaints too.”

LUAF always like you to start a post with ‘Nice work’, ‘Well done LUAF’ or ‘Excellent article’ so Chris B. gets top marks for that. His logic lets him down, however.

£15 x 20 is indeed £300.

The membership fee of the NLP, however, (as in the past with Third Way) is a minimum of £15. Those with more money pay more. Several pay between £15 and £25 per month to sustain the cause. That is how we get £1400 from membership fees in a year. The Electoral Commission has a better understanding of our structure than the posters on LUAF. Is anyone shocked?

Wednesday, 16 April 2008


I'd like to thank those who have been so kind as to send me information on 'Atreus' of 'Norfolk Unity'. Paricular thanks to 'Old Timer'. If 'Atreus' has harassed or victimised you please do contact me (anonymously if you wish) with any information you may wish to share.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Theft is theft - even when it's intellectual property theft

Have you ever been in a pub and seen a loud drunk trying to start a fight and then when challenged seeking to involve and get back-up from his friends? I have and sometimes the friends are wise enough to stay out of things, other times they don't and the consequence is often that they end-up getting a good-kicking. I thought of this analogy when reading an entry entitled “Get stuffed Harrington!” on a supposed 'anti-fascist' blog.

It reported:-

“The Great Fantasist himself, the One Big Vast Huge Onion's farcical serial failure Patrick Harrington, is attempting to get Blogger to do the dirty legal work he's too afraid to do himself.He's complained that we used the photograph above from the One Big Vast Huge Onion's website and therefore breached his copyright.”

This was in response to a complaint I filed with Blogger (owned by Google) regarding infringment of copyright. Norfolk Unity had been warned previously that action would be taken if they did not respect copyright and could at that stage have quietly removed the offending image. That isn't exactly their style, however.

Instead they responded by stating:-

“Anyway, Harrington's a bit on the late side. That photo has already appeared on several other internet sites, and though we can't be sure, we have a feeling it's about to appear on many more.We're not taking it down, and we're not removing the post.As far as we're concerned, loser Harrington can take a running jump off the end of the Britannia Pier. We're Norfolk Unity, not Clive Potter or Tim Hawke - and we bite back.”

The picture was then posted on a number of associated sites. We were very intimidated! It also meant that we had to complain about all these other sites which have taken a hostile attitude to the Solidarity Brotherhood!

The result was that the image (and sometimes pages) from the following sites were removed:-

The end result was that not only Norfolk Unity but the other infantile leftist sites have made themselves appear foolish. Our Union will enforce Copyright and deal with any infringement of our legal rights. If you sign-up to the terms and conditions of American servers and companies you shouldn't complain when we refer to US law in our complaints. That shouldn't be taken to mean, however, that we will not take action in other or multiple juristictions.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Max Mosley - LU No different from the gutter press

You would think that supposed progressives would take a different line from the establishment gutter press. In the case of 'Lancaster Unity' however you would be disappointed. Last weekend the 'News of the Screws' published a front-page article on Formula 1 boss Max Mosley. Max is the son of Oswald and Diana Mosley who were leading British Fascists. Max, however, has distanced himself from their views and spoken out against racism.

The News of the World claimed that one of the young ladies pictured with Max was wearing a 'concentration camp' uniform. It used this to bring up Hitler, Mosley etc etc. Yet the picture showed one girl in suspenders and another in a US-style prison outfit. I am no historian but I believe that the stripes on a US prison uniform and a concentration camp one run horizontally and the other vertically. Surely all anti-fascists should know this?

Why then does Lancaster Unity simply reproduce these inaccuracies? Why do they follow reactionary propaganda lines dictated by the establishment gutter press? Why don't they speak out for freedom on issues of sexuality? Do they have any ideology or world view of their own or do they simply borrow that of the establishment?

- Pat Harrington

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Hear the truth before you read the lies

This blog has been created on the orders of Patrick Harrington. Patrick Harrington is the General Secretary of the Solidarity Trades Union and a Director of the Third Way think-tank. He became concerned at the disinformation being spread by some blogs of the infantile left and felt that their arguments and reactionary positions needed to be analysed, deconstructed and replied to. This blog will answer all those bloggers who adopt positions which are dishonest and reactionary and not just Lancaster Unity.