Wednesday 2 April 2008

Max Mosley - LU No different from the gutter press

You would think that supposed progressives would take a different line from the establishment gutter press. In the case of 'Lancaster Unity' however you would be disappointed. Last weekend the 'News of the Screws' published a front-page article on Formula 1 boss Max Mosley. Max is the son of Oswald and Diana Mosley who were leading British Fascists. Max, however, has distanced himself from their views and spoken out against racism.

The News of the World claimed that one of the young ladies pictured with Max was wearing a 'concentration camp' uniform. It used this to bring up Hitler, Mosley etc etc. Yet the picture showed one girl in suspenders and another in a US-style prison outfit. I am no historian but I believe that the stripes on a US prison uniform and a concentration camp one run horizontally and the other vertically. Surely all anti-fascists should know this?

Why then does Lancaster Unity simply reproduce these inaccuracies? Why do they follow reactionary propaganda lines dictated by the establishment gutter press? Why don't they speak out for freedom on issues of sexuality? Do they have any ideology or world view of their own or do they simply borrow that of the establishment?

- Pat Harrington

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