Friday, 22 August 2008

Latest Prophecy from 'The Seer of Norfolk'

Atreus, or Alan the Seer of Norfolk, has issued a new phrophecy. He wrote:-

"Another prize wuss is serial failure Patrick ("call me Pat") Harrington, the GenSec of the One Big Huge Vast Onion and fascist front group, the useless Solidarity "trade union".
Three members of the Onion are finding out exactly how useless it is after getting themselves suspended from their jobs at the Sita Suez depot in Willenhall, Staffs.
Now we don't know the ins and outs of this case, but belonging to the very useful Unite trade union as we do we've been able to find out that Unite members at Sita Suez weren't too happy that a fascist fake trade union and BNP front came in to break worker solidarity at the depot."

So doom and gloom for those members of Solidarity suspended by Sita Suez for daring to belong to an autonomous Trade Union. Fancy them breaking worker solidarity at the depot by not belonging to Unite! No wonder Unite (showing real Socialist ideals) went sneaking to the Bosses and asked them to take action! Things certainly looked bleak for our heroes. They had only the 'useless' Solidarity to defend them after all.

By some bit of luck or another, however, the Solidarity members have been reinstated without blemish on their record. Of course the legal threats, public petition, articles, phone calls, faxes and E-mails may have influenced the Sita management. The seer of Norfolk needs to polish his crystal ball clearly.